Thursday, July 29, 2021


 Volcanoes are scattered across the planet.

About 1,500 active volcanoes can be found across the world though countless others are on the ocean floor. 

Most volcanoes whether on land or underwater are located where tectonic.

Plates meet in fact the ring of fire a path that traces the boundaries between several tectonic plates around the pacific ocean contains about 75% of the planets volcanoes. there are several types of volcanoes primarily classified by shape and size major types include stratovolcanoes which often appear as tall steep mountains.

Shield volcanoes volcanoes which are flatter and dome shaped  calderas which are large depressions in the ground and mid-ocean ridges which are underwater chains of volcanic mountains.

No matter their shape or size all volcanoes emit gas and molten rock.

The journey of these emissions begins deep underground in the Earth's core.

The core which can burn as hot as the surface of the sun transfer its heat to the surrounding rocky mantle in doing so the heat melts some of the rock this molten rock or magma is lighter than the surrounding solid rock layer so it rises through the mantle.

The magma then escapes through vents in the earth's crust causing volcanic eruptions.

 Now above-ground this magma is referred to as lava and it can reach temperatures of over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

In addition to lava volcanoes may erupt with searing hot gas formed in the mantle in a phenomenon called pyroclastic flow this gas combined with hot ash can race down the sides of a volcano as fast as 100 miles per hour burning everything in its path to measure and classify eruptions. 

Scientists developed the volcanic explosivity index or BEI it considers various factors such as the volume of lava gas and other emissions from the volcano along with the height of the eruption.  

Here's a video of me speaking about this. 

Goal Setting

 Goal Setting

Playing Friday sports it was very fun and i liked running and tackling people.

For hurumanu - 1 we have Ngā Tāngata.

For hurumanu - 2 we have Tūhūra

For hurumanu - 3 we have Te Ao Whānui

This term im gonna try to Make friends and playing with new students 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Blind Taste Testing


I want to find out how we taste food.


Taste buds have very sensitive microscopic hairs called microvilli Those tiny hairs send messages to the brain about how something tastes, so you know if it's sweet, sour, bitter, or salty.

 Source 1:

Source 2:



  • Unknown Food
  • Blindfold
  • Person with a Tongue

1. Get your equipment.

2. Put your blindfold on.

3. Hold your nose shut.

4.  Put the food in your mouth and taste it.

5. Describe how it tastes.

6. Release your nose and describe the taste.




 #1 when i ate the food it felt crunchy and wet it tasted like a apple when i unblocked my nose.

#2 when i ate the food it felt like squishy and hard it was a onion when i unblocked my nose.

#3 when i ate the food it felt disgusting and crunchy and it was a raw potato when i unblocked my nose.

#4 when i ate the food it felt yummy and gooey and it was a lollies when i unblocked my nose.

#5 when i ate the food it felt sour and sweet at the same time and it was lollies when i unblocked my nose.

#6 when i ate the food it felt crunchy and sweet and when i unblocked my nose it was sugar.

#7 when i ate the food it felt crunchy and salty and when i unblocked my nose it was salt.

#8 when i ate the food it felt disgusting and kinda salty and it was baking powder when i unblocked my nose.

#9 when i ate the food it felt soft and it was yummy and it was Citric acid when i unblocked my nose.

#10 when i ate the food it felt weird and a giant foam in my mouth and when i unblocked my nose it tasted like sherbet but mix with all the other ingredients. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


 Hey guys we'll be talking about, Netiquette.

Here's a video about Netiquette

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Hurumanu 3 Shaping Up

Hey guys we will be talking about shaping up.

First we'll talk about enlargement.

Enlargement is basically, making shapes and making it small and big

as you can see down here.


Now we're gonna talk, about Reflections,Rotations,Translations

1. Reflection is shapes that are facing forward and reflected.

2. Translated is the same as reflected but its a bit different see.

3. Rotated is basically turning the shape facing down look