Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Blind Taste Testing


I want to find out how we taste food.


Taste buds have very sensitive microscopic hairs called microvilli Those tiny hairs send messages to the brain about how something tastes, so you know if it's sweet, sour, bitter, or salty.

 Source 1:

Source 2:



  • Unknown Food
  • Blindfold
  • Person with a Tongue

1. Get your equipment.

2. Put your blindfold on.

3. Hold your nose shut.

4.  Put the food in your mouth and taste it.

5. Describe how it tastes.

6. Release your nose and describe the taste.




 #1 when i ate the food it felt crunchy and wet it tasted like a apple when i unblocked my nose.

#2 when i ate the food it felt like squishy and hard it was a onion when i unblocked my nose.

#3 when i ate the food it felt disgusting and crunchy and it was a raw potato when i unblocked my nose.

#4 when i ate the food it felt yummy and gooey and it was a lollies when i unblocked my nose.

#5 when i ate the food it felt sour and sweet at the same time and it was lollies when i unblocked my nose.

#6 when i ate the food it felt crunchy and sweet and when i unblocked my nose it was sugar.

#7 when i ate the food it felt crunchy and salty and when i unblocked my nose it was salt.

#8 when i ate the food it felt disgusting and kinda salty and it was baking powder when i unblocked my nose.

#9 when i ate the food it felt soft and it was yummy and it was Citric acid when i unblocked my nose.

#10 when i ate the food it felt weird and a giant foam in my mouth and when i unblocked my nose it tasted like sherbet but mix with all the other ingredients. 

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