Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Napier Earthquake

                                                               The Napier Earthquake 

In 1931, New Zealand’s deadliest earthquake devastated the cities of Napier

and Hastings. It occurred at 10:47 AM on the 3rd of February. Centred 15

kilometres north of Napier, it lasted for two and a half minutes and had a

magnitude of 7.8. There were 525 aftershocks recorded in the next fortnight.

The official death toll was 256: 161 in Napier, 93 in Hastings, and two in

Wairoa. Many thousands more required medical treatment. Napier’s nurses’

home collapsed and off-duty nurses died. 15 men died at a rest home near

Taradale, but they rescued a 91-year-old man three days later!

Fire broke out in Napier’s business district shortly after the earthquake, and

gutted almost 11 blocks of central Napier.

The navy ship berthed in Napier’s harbour was hit by the rising sea bottom

and was suddenly sitting on ground. The sailors on board helped volunteers

rescue people trapped in wrecked buildings. Sadly, many rescuers were

killed as buildings collapsed in aftershocks.

Doctors set up makeshift surgeries at the botanical gardens and at

racecourses, and the army set up a tent camp for 2,500 people. Women and

children were sent all over New Zealand, but men had to stay to help with

demolition and clean-up work.

There were some positive benefits of the earthquake such as the lagoon

filling up and creating land for farms, housing and the airport. The new

houses were built in the art deco style, making

Napier a tourist attraction.


- 1931 at 10:47 AM on Feb 3rd, 

- The official death tall was 256. 161 in Napier , 93 Hastings and 2 in wairoa 

- In the botanical gardens and the racecourse in the Napier .

- They were able to rebuild the houses in art deco style, making it a tourist attractions.

- 2 and a half minutes.

- Children were sent around NZ because there were no schools for them to go to and no houses for them to live in. also , it wasn't safe with all the aftershocks.

Today its been 90 years since the Hawks Bays Disaster...

- It killed 256 people.

- The veronica bell rings for 2 and half minutes , the length of the quake.

- 99 years ago Nola manly was 9 when the quake strict - one boy got hit with a brick off a chimney.

- house chimneys fell down , people had to live in tents. 

- Eric Baggit was 2 he doesn't remember the quake but has seen the city rebuild.

- The HMS Veronica helped the people in the city.

- Cracks in the road and railroad twisted. - after the quake , Napier was rebuilt in an art deco style.

- Napier is on the east coast above wellington.

- There was a quake followed by a fire only 12 buildings didn't need to be demolished 

- HMS Veronica was able to help

- Cruisers from Auckland had doctors on board to help.

- Fire started in 2 pharmacies.

- A temporary hospital was made. 

- 1% of population died.

- 6% of the population were taken out of the city , most women and children were sent south.

- People lived in tents because they didn't feel safe in homes.

- the water stopped an hour after the quake. 

- took weeks for the sewage to be going again.

- the high way was built on a mud flat and so the road was destroyed.

- the railways to wellington were going 2 days after.

- the navy helped clean up after demolished buildings, supplied food and water

- the nurse home collapsed and many night nurses were killed.

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