Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Pike River Mine Explosion: Nov 19, 2019

 What do i think i know about this disaster?

- it happened in a mine

- the mine was called Piker River

- People died maybe from an explosion 

What do I think I'll find out about this disaster?

- Death Toll

- Why it happened, what caused the disaster.

- Was it an accident 


  1. The Pike River Mine is on the West Coast of New Zealand.
  2. Built the mine in 2005 and started mining in November 2008.
  3. There was 31 miners inside the mine when the explosion Occurred.
  4. 2 people escaped.
  5. They sent robots into the mine to search for survivors because it was to dangerous to send humans.
  6. Jacinda was going to unseal the mine and rescue the bodies.Video One-Pike Survivor Russel Smith Says loader saved his life: - https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/73995752/pike-river-survivor-five-years-on-im-alive-thats-the-way-to-look-at-it
- Russel says he ducked behind the door of the loader to avoid falling rocks.

- Russel was left for dead by an electrician who saw him lying on the ground.

- Another survivor , Daniel, rescued Russel and helped him escape.

- They turned on taps to help clear the smoke.

- Daniel and Russel are the only two who got out. Daniels brother was 21 yrs old and didn't make it out.

- They don't know why the mine exploded.

Russel Smith - Stuff Articale - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlB3nPFRfdc

- The mine was very gassy but he didn't think it would explode or he wouldn't have gone in.

- he felt peaceful before he passed out.

- In the mines, they were trained that mine rescuers would save you so you should wait to be rescued.

Newshub video

- https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2019/05/pike-river-timeline-from-the-first-explosion-to-the-re-entry.html

Digital Fact File: https://www.canva.com/design/DAErQQ9gN9s/n8-oXejgxXZ6FPrrkGBjkA/view?utm_content=DAErQQ9gN9s&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink

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